Ripening App - GreenCommerce

Ripening App

An app for tracking and registering ripening actions in a fresh produce warehouse, that is exactly what the Ripening App does. The App is directly connected to GreenCommerce, so that both people in the warehouse and in the office work with the most up-to-date information.

A ripening specialist can provide one or more pallets with different ripening properties in the warehouse. In addition, the ripening specialist can initiate a ripening process, indicating how long pallets should be ripened and what ripening properties are expected at the end of this period.

In GreenCommerce, the stock can be grouped based on different ripening properties and there is insight into how much stock is actively ripening and what the intended ripening properties are.

Based on the desired ripening properties, it can be indicated which stock best suits the wishes of the (end) customer. Optionally, an assignment can be enriched with the selected ripening properties, to assign specific parts of the stock and make it available for the further logistics process.

Instructions for order pickers are provided with additional ripening properties, so that they are sent to the correct pallets.

Are you curious about the possibilities? Please contact us at: or call +31 174 - 642 622.

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