Purchase App| GreenCommerce Apps - GreenCommerce

Purchase App

With the arrival of the Purchase App now purchasing features are available in the GreenCommerce Apps environment. While using the app you will have access to the status of current orders at any time of the day, on any device. The app offers a number of useful tools to quickly access orders and to quickly anticipate the most frequent changes.

By using the app your purchasers will always have real-time access to purchase data. Because this app is specifically tailored to meet the demands of the purchase processes, you will only find the functionalities that you need most often. Above all, every action that is saved is immediately available for your co-workers which is a valuable addition to your business.

Order overview
The order overview presents an easy to understand presentation of all purchase orders for a given period. The visual status indicators of orders allow you to easily identify orders that require acionts, for example to find orders that have been changed recently and where suppliers have not been informed about yet. 

Manage orders
One of the most important aspects of the app is the way you are able to create and manage orders. Several options are available to add new items to an orders, for example based on recent orders, on daily prices or based on contracts. While adding new items the actual pricing information is shown, which comes in handy when you are negotiating with your suppliers. 

Access your stock overview and see which shortages need to be resolved in an easy to understand fashion. By the addition of a functionality to directly purchase from stock shortages, this app really offers added value. 


More information?
Would you like know more about the Purchase App or any other App? Please contact us via:
+31 174 - 642 622

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