AGF Direct can respond seamlessly to the needs of customers thanks to GreenCommerce

AGF Direct is a sales organization based in Zwaagdijk, with a market area focused on the Benelux. They have a number of fixed growers who produce, among other things, chicory, cauliflower and broccoli for them. AGF Direct has been working satisfactorily with GreenCommerce for years. They use the connected grower application GreenXchange, the WMS App and can produce data dashboards and reports via the Datawarehouse package.
AGF Direct identifies itself as a service provider. They do not export products themselves, but make use of various expertise in the fresh produce chain. With a compact team of 8 people, they can work flexibly and distinguish themselves from the market by their specific market knowledge, their own B2B brand 'Growers Glory' and good service. This flexibility is partly due to GreenCommerce: “A few years ago we compared different packages and I then chose GreenCommerce. That is the best choice I could have made. To this day, very satisfied with a real 'trading package'. The software is clear and very user-friendly.” claims Dennis van Tricht, commercial employee at AGF Direct.
Quick responses due to the WMS App
AGF Direct has a shared warehouse at its disposal where they run with the linked WMS App Dennis van Tricht says he is very happy with the WMS App. “To stay ahead of the competition, we are fully automating our business, with the WMS App we are one step further. From the first minute we immediately saw the added value. We can respond quicker with changes, because when orders are adjusted last minute, for example, this is now immediately visible in the warehouse for our order pickers. Previously, orders were on 20 sheets and currently all orders are in one digital overview. This means that the paper shop has completely disappeared and we no longer have to go up and down the stairs 30 times a day." In one afternoon, the employees received an explanation and the reactions were positive, it was quickly picked up, making the switchover easy. “All in all, we can work faster and more flexibly and use the time that is left over more usefully. We are very satisfied and I would recommend the product 100% to other fresh produce companies." said Dennis.

All cultivation communication runs via GreenXchange
AGF Direct uses the grower application GreenXchange, making the connection to growers very easy and fast. They can make SSCC labels, the CMR and delivery notes created via GreenCommerce, directly available to the growers who work with GreenXchange. Orders incl. The correct labels and documents can be processed directly at cultivation locations. Dennis van Tricht says he benefits greatly from this development: "We get a better overview and have far fewer actions, because all communication runs via GreenXchange." The required labels and receipts can be made available to growers from GreenCommerce at the touch of a button. The grower automatically displays a button in his GreenXchange where the correct delivery note, CMR and SSCC labels can be found immediately. Here the grower can print the necessary documents himself and give them to the shipment. The telephone or mailbox is no longer needed during this process. “The grower immediately has all the information available, without us having to constantly call back and forth about the right receipts and labels. This saves us and the grower a lot of time. ”
An affiliated open field grower of AGF Direct also works with the push notifications from GreenXchange. Because his work is on the field, he is not behind his PC all day. For this reason, GreenXchange has introduced push notifications where a notification immediately appears in the mobile screen of the grower, for example, when this concerns a new or changed order. As a result, the grower always has real-time information available, also on the open field.
Own B2B brand: Growers Glory
AGF Direct also sells their traditional Dutch products under their own brand, Growers Glory. By creating one identity, they radiate high quality, environmentally conscious cultivation and responsibility.
Datawarehouse package
Using the correct data combined with the Datawarehouse package allows AGF Direct to respond seamlessly to the needs of customers. To ensure that Business Intelligence (BI) tools can use the data from GreenCommerce, AGF Direct works on a separate environment that is specially optimized for this. “IT systems are very important to us and we want to do that because we can continue to do it this way. That's why I wouldn't want to work without GreenCommerce.”

GreenCommerce.NET, Handling, EDI, Detouring, Fust, Commission purchases, Purchase invoices and costs, Purchase results, WMS App, Sales results, GreenXchange, Datawarehouse