Blue Coded: hardware partner for GreenCommerce Essentials - GreenCommerce

Blue Coded

Blue Coded for with GreenCommerce Essentials

JEM-id has developed a new variant of software package GreenCommerce for small(er) fruit and vegetable companies with which these companies can experience the essential benefits of automation without owning a warehouse. With GreenCommerce Essentials, small sized companies and start-ups, up to 15 users can, among other things, process their purchasing and sales and manage inventory without having their own server space. This creates grip and better overview because there is one system in which all commercial activities come together.

An additional advantage is that GreenCommerce Essentials can be implemented quickly and that users can start immediately. JEM-id offers the server space together with their partner Blue Coded. The data is collected and processed online in the cloud. Blue Coded is a certified provider with data centers in various locations. The facilities of these data centers are designed to make users work quickly and protect data against leaks, external access, fire and theft. This immediately unburdens users of GreenCommerce Essentials.

For more information about Blue Coded, visit this website.

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