Discover the developments of GreenCommerce fresh produce software here | version 'Quince' - GreenCommerce

The first quarterly release of 2021 is the Quince version. The Quince release is again a mandatory release. This release includes developments to simplify the process by which purchase confirmations are sent by email and digitally. For each purchase order you can choose whether the confirmation (the PDF) is sent by email and whether the order must be sent digitally to the supplier (direct link). Various developments have been made in WMS ELMO, such as in the field of filtering on temperature groups. Developments have also been made for the Brexit, such as a transport planning requirement for sending the customs export declaration. Read all release notes below:


To make it easier to share articles digitally with partners, a possibility has been added to send an export of items digitally to relations via FreshBabel. This requires an active connection with a relation (e.g. a logistics service provider), after which the specifications of items can be shared.

An adjustment has been made that prevents 2 different users from using the same pallet. At the time of use, the last information about the pallet is retrieved from the database so that the second user will now receive an error message that this pallet is already inactive. If something now goes wrong when using a pallet, the consumption will be reversed as much as possible. This is to ensure that there are no inconsistencies between the batch card and the pallet consumption.

The items, item groups and item main groups have been extended with a "Sorting attribute". This is a free field that can be filled with a sort as desired, it can be used in both GreenCommerce (column sorting) and on the price list.

Fresh produce software GreenCommerce

The filter is currently used to be able to filter a purchase order on a standard carrier of the transport order. To make this process more logical, an adjustment is made to the function of this Transporteur filter. In the new situation, purchase order lines will look at the carrier who will ultimately deliver the goods.

Read more about this development in the following update >>

Both steps have been combined to simplify the process by which purchase confirmations are sent by email and digitally. For each purchase order you can choose whether the confirmation (the PDF) is sent by email and whether the order must be sent digitally to the supplier (direct link). The latter option is only available for suppliers who are also set to receive orders digitally, please contact us for more information; all GreenCommerce users can use this, free of charge.

It was desirable to always create the correction order on the same date as the original order, but that the date can be changed when the correction order was created. This is done by modifying an existing parameter. However, if the date of the original order is a closed date, this will be indicated when saving and the user has the option to adjust the date to a possible date.

By means of extensions to the link with Twinfield, it is possible to link relationship data (creditor / debtor). A separate menu item has been added that can be assigned to specific users to send relationship data from GreenCommerce directly to Twinfield.

A filter has been created for the relationship file to make the overview of contact moments more transparent. In the previous situation there was no filtering by period, which sometimes resulted in a long list of contact moments. This filter is now on by default with a period of the past month, which makes it clear which contact moments have taken place for that period. 

Relation file of contact person GreenCommerce

An extension has been added to the system documents so that the order confirmation is included as a full document. The document can be found in both ccAssignments and in ccAssignment under the [Documents] button and is available for handling assignments.

A development has been done for the purpose of sending an email to shipment locations. When informing the shipment and delivery locations, all messages are now grouped by location, this prevents multiple emails from being sent. The existing mail template is again used for each mailing, at transport order level. As a result, the existing templates must work again.

When the time was adjusted for a detour in the transport order line, it was not updated in the "goods receipt" screen. The "expected goods" screen has been extended with the new property "Shipment Time Planned", this new field explicitly shows the Shipment Time of the detour order or purchase order line.

When making a production correction, it was always checked whether the pallet was not actively in a shipment, in this case no correction could be made anymore. From now on, it is also checked whether the pallet has not been in a shipment. As a result, no correction can be made after logging in.

During order picking, the option "Move sub-location" has been added in the "Processes" menu. This menu takes the user to the regular screen to change pallets of sub-location. After closing this screen, the user returns to the order pick screen where he / she left off. This option has also been added when registering consumption.

Quince versie GreenCommerce AGF software

In the Pepper release, an extension was already added with which stock that has been returned can be distinguished separately from "regular stock". New in this release is that it is now also possible to specifically reserve the return stock for production orders, just as it is possible for sales orders.

It was desirable that a detour order of tomorrow could be scheduled in an existing transport order of today. When changing the shipment and delivery date of the transport order, an attempt is made to set the outgoing and incoming batch transaction of the detour order to the dates of the loading and unloading date. If this does not work, for example because the batch has not yet arrived on the loading date, you will not be blocked in the process, but a log line will be written and the date of the outgoing party transaction will not be adjusted.

An amendment has been made to the CBS declaration to meet the requirements for monthly declaration for ICL from 2021.

The digital feedback of inbound messages from logistics service providers can be processed more easily, especially when the incoming differs from the purchase in the system. This makes it possible to process item splits more easily.

A setting has been made for the purchase order screen where it is possible to set when creating the order whether the date that is suggested should be today's day or the "from date" from the filter.

In order to be able to process the processing of transport and storage temperature more specifically, it is now possible to overrule the setting of the item main group per item group. With this, among other things, more information can be given to ELMO (WMS) about the location of goods to be picked.

The screen in which the failure of used batches on production orders can be registered, is equipped with a column selector.

For handling orders where services are automatically added based on the items, an adjustment has been made to keep the rates at 0 if credit limits are exceeded. This so that the data is processed completely, but the prices still have to be made correct.

To release production orders as a pick list and to have order pickers picked up (by choice), an extension has been added so that from a self-determined status (eg 'ready for production') the pick lists appear in the selection screen in ELMO (WMS).

The functionality to mark an order line as "zero price" has also been added to purchases and sales for individual elements. This means that elements without value can now also be added to a final purchase or sales order.

In order to provide the correct information to customs agents, a transport planning obligation has been added before a customs export declaration can be sent. This is because of the possible links with carriers and customs agents, whereby the data must be able to be referenced to each other.

When completing a customs export declaration, a valid MRN number must be entered, as enforced according to ISO standards.

Het toevoegen van bijlagen als ‘document’ aan procesdata (inkooporder, verkooporder, douane export) is stricter gemaakt zodat bij het selecteren van een fysieke bijlage (bijv. een PDF) ook een documentnummer moet worden ingevuld. Andersom, blijft het mogelijk om een documentnummer in te vullen zonder fysieke bijlage.

A free field has been added to a proforma and order. This field is filled in when creating a new invoice or proforma in GreenCommerce. 

When setting the indoor reporting options, it is now also possible to change the active sub-location of the user. The user can do this by scanning the desired sub-location. The active sub-location is displayed as the bottom line (in blue).

GreenCommerce fresh produce software screenshot

The cost statement overview of the purchase order has been extended with a breakdown of detour costs per batch. This provides insight into the costs incurred in relocating purchased and repackaged batches.

A new module has been added with which VAT calculations can be processed from different VAT registrations (VAT numbers). This also makes it possible to trade goods at local VAT rates, for example for direct deliveries in Great Britain because of the Brexit. For more information, please contact Berry!

From the Quince release it is possible in every overview screen to enable selection totals via the column selector. In addition to the column totals, you can now easily determine from a selection of lines what the selection total is and what the column total is. Very useful for adding numbers or prices, for example.

For purchase orders it is now possible to add a separate invoice relation, just as it is possible for sales orders. This makes it possible to pre-arrange that the invoice from a supplier is sent by default from another business partner, so that it can be further processed in the purchase invoicing process (and is transparent).

To simplify logistics processing at external locations, a working method has been added that can be used to activate "output registration". This setting is applied during the processing of logistics messages that can be processed in the inbox.

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