Solid foundation for the development of new functions - GreenCommerce

Solid foundation for the development of new functions

Gepost door  Jill van der Knaap   op  14 May 2024

Within GreenCommerce and its related applications, periodic updates are conducted to ensure the stability of the product. These updates often consist of seemingly minor changes but contribute to efficiency in the background. What does this mean for you as a user? In this update, (front-end) developers Dennis and Toni will explain the developments they have made.

"There are many benefits to keeping the underlying technology up to date," Dennis begins. "Think of the latest updates in digital security and speed improvements. While these developments may not be visually apparent to the user, they do enhance the overall user experience. Of course, when it comes to security, 'prevention' is always better than 'cure'." Cybersecurity seems to be becoming increasingly important as digitization advances in businesses.

The front end of GreenCommerce is programmed in Angular, which is the programming language responsible for shaping the user experience, such as the dashboard and screens familiar to users of the GreenCommerce Apps. Toni explains, "That's the visible part for the user. Recently, we've been working on a new navigation structure for the GreenCommerce Apps. Users will notice this directly because the menu will have a different layout. With the new structure, we can display more information on the screen as the menu becomes smarter." Concrete details about the new navigation structure for the GreenCommerce Apps will be provided later.

Dennis continues, "We've also updated all applications, including GreenXchange and FreshBabel, to the latest version of Angular. This allows us to take advantage of all the benefits of the newest version, such as advancements in security and compliance." This not only benefits users with these advantages but also brings speed improvements to some screens. "We've filtered out duplicate data, making the application faster and reducing its footprint during download. This also reduces the error-proneness in future developments."

In addition to front-end updates, other developers within the team have been working on the back-end of GreenCommerce. Updates have been made here as well to move towards the latest version. "Having multiple developers involved in this project allowed us to leverage different expertise," adds Toni.

The front- and back-end are updated to the latest version at least once a year, with this being factored into the planning. "By allocating time periodically for this, it yields significant benefits in the long run. It contributes to a certain stability and maturity of the product," Toni concludes.

Questions or more information?
If you have any questions about this update or would like to receive more information, please contact us at or call +31 174 - 642 622.

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